• E-mail: info@duniafore.org
  • Phone: (202) 630 – 3663
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DuniaForé believes in the power of coalitions. By finding our common goals and working together to achieve them, we vastly increase our likelihood of success and do the important work of lifting each other as we rise. DuniaForé has longstanding ongoing partnerships with several nonprofits which epitomize our values and are doing work which we both support and on which we collaborate.

Citizens for a Sustainable Future

Citizens for a Sustainable Future and DuniaForé have worked together for a number of years on creating compelling local programming.
Citizens for a Sustainable Future (CSF) is a 501 C(3) not-for-profit action orientated think tank founded in 2012 by a group of scholars and activists seeking creative approaches to the many problems facing their communities. The goal of the early meetings was to identify best practices that would enhance the quality of life in African American communities.  As these plans developed eventually a new organization was spawned that would champion the causes of sustainable development and environmental justice for future generations of African American
With its focus on environmental justice and sustainable living practices, which it defines broadly, Citizens for a Sustainable Future and its Executive Director, Bruce Strouble have been pivotal in creating and implementing our collaborative initiatives locally, namely our Simple Civics and Understanding Racism classes. You can learn more about Citizens for a Sustainable Future at www.c4sf.org.


AfricaWrites- Headed by Lanfia Toure, AfricaWrites is an African NGO based in Kankan, Guinea,with the purpose of redefining African history and culture through proper observation, documentation and representation of African culture from local indigenous African perspective. Most recently, AfricaWrites was integral in coronating Harriet Tubman as a Kele Mansa  in the Manding tradition. After organizing 32 villages in Guinea along with important elders and members of the hunting societies, AfricaWrites helped to facilitate this historic ceremony which establishes Kele Mansa Harriet Tubman in the annals of Manding history forever. Please support their ongoing endeavors and read about their work here: www.africawrites.com